The goal of the workshop is to gather experts on approximate numerical linear algebra algorithms, their analysis, implementation on modern hardware, and use in applications. This includes topics such as low-rank approximations, reduced and mixed precision algorithms, randomized algorithms, communication avoiding algorithms, sparse and data sparse matrix algorithms, etc.
Important dates
18 May 2025: deadline for submitting talks
5 September 2025: deadline for registration
8-10 October 2025: workshop
7 October 2025: habilitation defense of T. Mary
Call for presentations
Participants who wish to present should send a title and abstract for their proposed contribution by email at Please also indicate whether you would prefer a regular talk or a poster presentation.
The workshop will take place at
Sorbonne University 4, place Jussieu Paris, France
Registration is free but mandatory (deadline: 5 September 2025). Register here.
Detailed program TBA
Confirmed speakers:
Hartwig Anzt
Emmanuel Agullo
Marc Baboulin
Paolo Bientinesi
Massimiliano Fasi
Ilse Ipsen (TBC)
Julien Langou
Xiaoye Sherry Li
Hatem Ltaief
Piotr Luszczek
Gunnar Martinsson (TBC)
Stefano Massei
Mantas Mikaitis
Jean-Michel Muller
Davide Palitta
Ulrich Rüde
Jennifer Scott
Valeria Simoncini
George Turkiyyah
Bastien Vieublé
Rio Yokota
A banquet will take place on the evening of October 8. Location and cost TBA.
The workshop is collocated with the habilitation defense of Theo Mary, which will take place on Oct 7. The habilitation is open to the public and workshop participants are welcome to also attend it.